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Fact: Restructuring copy and CTAs, improving scanability and providing dedicated pages for product types increased application click through rates by +41%. (Study #44)

Published: April 25, 2024

+41% Click-through rate
96.3% Statistical confidence
Lorem Ipsum
Runtime 14 Days (11/01/2024 - 11/15/2024)
Metrics Uncategorized
6.9% Click-through rate (68 of 983)
Study #44A
9.7% Click-through rate (97 of 996)
Study #44 B
Study #44A
Study #44 B

Hypothesis: Restructuring the site to have dedicated product pages, change the copy to be simpler and clearer, changing CTAs to be consistent with the desired action, and improving the scanability of the pages will increase click-through rates to applications.