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Test #23: Won, Certificate of Deposit

Published: June 30, 2023

+57% Click-through rate
100% Statistical confidence
Lorem Ipsum
Runtime 0 Days ( - )
Metrics Certificates
23.4% Click-through rate (204 of 856)
Study 23 A
37.5% Click-through rate (282 of 752)
Study 23 B



We believed that the reason someone would put money into a CD instead of a regular savings account is to earn a higher dividend rate. Therefore, we hypothesized that showcasing the higher rates for CDs, putting the earning calculator into a modal, decreasing distractions on the product page, and repeating the call to action would increase the product click-through rate.

Key Takeaway:

Fact: Simpler presentation of CD rates, decreasing page distractions, and repeating the CTA increased click-through rate by 57%